The Perfect Solution For Today's Busy Sewer
Video demo of the Lutterloh System
3 Minutes 15 Minutes
The Lutterloh Pattern Making System
(280 fashion and pattern designs, sizing scale, DVD, Ebook with
additional information and acrylic tailor and designer curves)
XXL System for plus size ladies
Quarterly Supplements
(every season we bring out 40 new fashion designs)
Special Editions for Men, Children and Fuller Figure ladies
An Efficient Aftercare Service

Customer Feedback
Alois Webb (Perth) Australia
"I have been wanting a pattern system like this all my sewing life! . I am beside myself with how incredibly easy a perfect fitting pattern can be. Why didn't I know about it years ago!"'
Jackie off (Sydney) Australia
*Thanks for the fast response. I must say that I truly enjoy the customer service to the max that you provide to your customers - it is unheard of these days to get prompt, individual attention."
Sue Sadler (Melbourne) Australia
*Wow! Best Company ever. Thank you so much for going to all this effort for me. I really appreciate your time and customer care. Will be your NO 1 fan with total admiration for the support and care you provide to your customers

Treat yourself to a new learning adventure!
We are offering Online Pattern Making Projects on various topics to students across the world
We will email the contents of the project and patterns to you within 48 hours. This will allow you to work through the Projects in your own time (whenever and where-ever you want to) and pose questions to us during the set time frames.
Want to upskill your sewing and techniques?
We are offering a variety of Sewing Courses online.
We will email the contents of the class to you within 48 hours. This will allow you to work through the Class in your own time (whenever and where-ever you want to) and pose questions to us during the set time frames